Technology and Heritage Preservation Interpretation Center

Japan and India are rich habitat of heritage. Technology is the driving force for all dimensions of life. Both the ancient civilizations of India and Japan have umbilical associations in culture, religion and traditions. It's easy and interesting to understand the cultural environments of each country. The spirituality with zeal of development has initiated several creative enterprises.

The time is ripe to bring together the traditionalist with next generation technology. Technology and Heritage Preservation Interpretation Center shall open new vistas between academia of Japan and India. The Interpretation center shall be equipped with high end technological environment.

Physical facilities like webcast, audio-video applications, tools of information communication technology and ease to use knowhow in Heritage preservation shall be the high light of the center. The center shall initiate imparting developments in information technology which shall significantly impress the expectations of inhabitants and create technologically literate environment between two closely related friendly countries. The expansion of the Interpretation Center shall contribute in "Make in India" plan and would grow into energy, environment, industry, nuclear, telecommunication, city and territory, transport, water, architecture and consultancy for the benefit of both the civilization.

Gujarat University

Entrepreneurship Program
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