

Module Name: MOOC - Sociological Thinkers 2

Sponsered: UGC CEC (SWAYAM)

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: unit 4

Sponsered: EMRC

Management Accounting Dr. Hiral Parikh

Module Name: Research and Development

Sponsered: UGC MMTTC

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Organizational culture and structure

Sponsered: EMRC, Guajrat University

Organizational Behaviour Dr. Rachna Gandhi

Module Name: Understanding the Basics of Marketing Management

Sponsered: EMRC, Guajrat University

Marketing Management Dr. Rachna Gandhi

Module Name: Empowering LIS Education in Changing Environment (COVID19)

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

UGC sponsored Online Refresher Course in Library and Information Science Dr. RAJESHKUMAR MOTILAL GAMIT

Module Name: Recent advances in molecular biology & biotechnology in life science

Sponsered: UGC - HRDC, Gujarat university

1st Online Refresher Course in Life Science from 07/09/2020 to 20/09/2020 Dr. Urja Desai

Module Name: PAPER -101: MICRO ECONOMICS -1, Unit -3-Topic: Production

Sponsered: NA

MA Dr. Shamina Ansari

Module Name: Staining techniques for microbial cell

Sponsered: MHRD, New Delhi

1st Year for TV programmes of UGC and e-contents of NME-ICT project Prof. Devayani Tipre

Module Name: Isolation and growth of microbial cell

Sponsered: MHRD, New Delhi

1st Year for TV programmes of UGC and e-contents of NME-ICT project Prof. Devayani Tipre

Module Name: Diversity of microorganisms

Sponsered: MHRD, New Delhi

1st Year for TV programmes of UGC and e-contents of NME-ICT project Prof. Devayani Tipre

Module Name: Bank Reconciliation Statement

Sponsered: BAOU KMRO

Bachelor of Business Administration Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Trial Balance

Sponsered: BAOU KMRO

Bachelor of Business Administration Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Subsidiary Books

Sponsered: BAOU KMRO

Bachelor of Business Administration Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Journal and Ledgers

Sponsered: BAOU KMRO

Bachelor of Business Administration Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Accountancy Meaning and Scope

Sponsered: BAOU KMRO

Bachelor of Business Administration Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Marginal Costing Gujarati

Sponsered: DTH Swayam Prabha Project CEC-MHRD

Commerce Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Marginal Costing: Angle of Incidence

Sponsered: DTH Swayam Prabha Project CEC-MHRD

Commerce Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Procedure Relating to Clearance Baggage

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Export Procedure

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Import Procedure

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Custom Valuation Rules , 2007

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Safeguard Duty

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: State Goods and Services Act, 2017 (SGST)

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Goods and Services Tax ( Compensation to states) Act, 2017

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: UTGST

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: IGST

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: CGST

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: GST Council and Its Function

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Benefits of GST

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Basic Concepts and Overview of Goods and Services Tax

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Frame work of GST

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Background of GST

Sponsered: NME-ICT Project

Indirect Tax Law Prof. (Dr.) S Sodha

Module Name: Radio Advertising

Sponsered: Gujarat University

UG Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Budget

Sponsered: Gujarat University

UG Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Motivation

Sponsered: Gujarat University

UG Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Power and Politics

Sponsered: Gujarat University

UG Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Effective Advertising Message

Sponsered: Gujarat University

UG Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Facts, Model of Advertising: Dagmar

Sponsered: Gujarat University

UG Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Learning

Sponsered: Gujarat University

UG Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Costing Behaviour and Cost Technique

Sponsered: Gujarat University

UG Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Budgetary Control and CVP analysis

Sponsered: Gujarat University

UG Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Attitude and Job Satisfaction

Sponsered: Gujarat University

UG Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Foundation of Advertising: The key players

Sponsered: Gujarat University

UG Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Role of Innovation in Organization

Sponsered: Gujarat University

Commerce Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Preparation of Business Plan

Sponsered: Gujarat University

Commerce Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Emerging Practices in Marketing

Sponsered: Gujarat University

Commerce Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Emerging Opportunities in Business, Franchising, Outsourcing & E Commerce

Sponsered: Swayam Prabha

Commerce Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Brand Positioning

Sponsered: Gujarat University

Economics Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Brand Value

Sponsered: Gujarat University

Economics Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Parent & Family Brand (CH-07)

Sponsered: Gujarat University

Economics Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Brand Proliferation (CH-07)

Sponsered: Gujarat University

UG Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Brand (CH-07)

Sponsered: CEC/UGC: Economics, Commerce and Finance

Channel 07: CEC/UGC: Economics, Commerce and Finance Prof. Nilam Panchal

Module Name: Introduction and Basic Concepts of Bioinformatics

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC

1st Online Refresher Course in Life Science Dr. Saumya Patel

Module Name: Bioinformatics concepts and Applications

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC

1st Online Refresher Course in Life Science Dr. Saumya Patel

Module Name: Fundamentals of Bioinformatics

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC

2nd Refresher Course in Environmental Studies Dr. Saumya Patel

Module Name: Developed Online Video Course on Structuring a Research Proposal for Research in Social Sciences for

Sponsered: GRAND ACADEMIC PORTAL (GAP) Online Platform

Developed Online Video Course on Structuring a Research Proposal for Research in Social Sciences for Prof. (Dr.) Hemal Pandya

Module Name: Introduction to Linear Programming Problem

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Differential Equations Part II

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Differential Equations Part I

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Solution for difference Equation

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Elementary Difference Equation and their applications to Economics

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Duality in Linear Programming

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Constrained Optimization

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Concept of Convexity- Concavity

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Partial Differentiation of Functions and Implicit Function

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Introduction to Partial Diffrentiation

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Eigen Values and Quadratic forms

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Some more aspects of partial differentiation

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Concept of Level set and and Partial differentiation

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Manipulations of matrices and Determinants

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Vector Spaces and Matrices

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Extreme Value and Power Series Representation of Function

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Limit

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Sequence and Series of Real Numbers

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Elementary Theory of Fuctions

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Number System and Set Theory

Sponsered: EMRC Ahmedabad SWAYAM MOOC Course on Business Economics

Business Economics Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Research and Development

Sponsered: MMTTC-GU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Higher Education and Society

Sponsered: Mizoram University

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Higher Education and Society

Sponsered: North-Eastern Hill University , Shillong

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Higher Education and Society

Sponsered: MMTTC-SPU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Research and Development

Sponsered: MMTTC-GU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Research and Development

Sponsered: MMTTC-GU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Research and Development

Sponsered: MMTTC-GU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Research and Development

Sponsered: MMTTC-GU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Research and Development

Sponsered: MMTTC-GU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Higher Education and Society

Sponsered: MMTTC-SPU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Higher Education and Society

Sponsered: MMTTC-SPU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education

Sponsered: North-Eastern Hill University , Shillong

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Higher Education and Society

Sponsered: MMTTC-SPU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Research and Development

Sponsered: MMTTC-GU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Research and Development

Sponsered: MMTTC-GU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Higher Education and Society

Sponsered: MMTTC-SPU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Higher Education and Society

Sponsered: MMTTC-SPU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Higher Education and Society

Sponsered: MMTTC-SPU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Higher Education and Society

Sponsered: MMTTC-SPU

MMTTC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Research

Sponsered: HRDC

PhD Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: NAAC

Sponsered: GEC Jammu & GAP

Webinar Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Research Methodology

Sponsered: ICAI-WIRC Ahmedabad

SEC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Quality Education in Higher Education

Sponsered: MCU Bhopal

Quality Assurance Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Cyber Decurity

Sponsered: Gujarat University

SEC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Higher Education and its Ecosystem 2

Sponsered: HRDC

HRDC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Higher Education and its Ecosystem

Sponsered: HRDC

HRDC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Joyful Living

Sponsered: CACHE

SEC Prof. Gurudutta Japee

Module Name: Research

Sponsered: Organized at Government Science College, Gandhinagar

Research to Rupees Prof. Hitesh Patel

Module Name: Inventory Management

Sponsered: NISCAIR

Industrial Statistics and Operations Management Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Forecasting Techniques

Sponsered: NISCAIR

Industrial Statistics and Operations Management Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Project Management

Sponsered: NISCAIR

Industrial Statistics and Operations Management Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Assignment Problem

Sponsered: NISCAIR

Industrial Statistics and Operations Management Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Transportation Problem

Sponsered: NISCAIR

Industrial Statistics and Operations Management Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Linear Programming Problem

Sponsered: NISCAIR

Industrial Statistics and Operations Management Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Gor

Module Name: Advance Languages Testing

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Communicative Language Teaching

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Phonetics: Sound System of English Language_Vowels

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Phonetics Sound System of English Language Consonant Sounds

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Teaching English Novel in Language Classroom

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Teaching Prose

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Teaching Creative and Critical Writing in English for Life Skill Acquisition

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Language Functions

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Language, Society & Culture

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Accomplishing Language Comprehension Through Teaching Literature in Indian Classrooms

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Second Language Learner and The Society

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Language Comprehension Through Teaching Poetry

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Feedback Mechanism

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Enhancing Employability Through English Language Teaching

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Theories of Language Learning - Second Language Acquisition

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Teaching Speaking

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Teaching Listening

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Teaching Writing

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Teaching Reading

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Design Syllabus and Courses

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Teaching English Using Mobile Applications

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Teaching Grammar

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Recent Trends in English Language Teaching

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Education Technology for Language Education

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Classroom Management and English Language Teaching

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Classroom Management and English Language Teaching

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Teaching Commercial Communication

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Language Testing and Assessment

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Materials Development

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Books on ELT

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Teaching Modern Poetry

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: ELT in Indian Classrooms Issues & Challenges

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: ELT in Indian Classrooms Skill & Competences

Sponsered: SWAYAM

ELT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Social Movements and Literature in India – IA

Sponsered: UGC-EMRC, Gujarat University

- Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Social Movements and Literature in India – IA

Sponsered: UGC-EMRC, Gujarat University

- Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Atma Nirbharta: Holistic Perspectives

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

Refresher Course in Teacher Educator (Two Weeks) School Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Steps of Research Process

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

PhD Course work Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Research Methodology, Methods & Techniques

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

PhD Course work Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Types of Research

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

PhD Course work Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Characteristics of Research

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

PhD Course work Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Research & Research Processes

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

PhD Course work Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: What is Research? (English)

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

Refresher Course in Languages Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: What is Research? (Gujarati)

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

PhD Course work Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Ethics to be followed while Writing Quality Academic Publications_2

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

PhD Course work Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Ethics to be followed while Writing Quality Academic Publications_1

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

PhD Course work Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Introduction to MOOCs

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

Refresher Course in Physics Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Introduction to E-Content

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

Refresher Course in ICT Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Digital Portfolio

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

5th and 6th Gurudakshta (FIP) Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: I UGC sponsored 1" Online Refresher Course in Commerce and Management, UGC-HRDC

Sponsered: UGC: Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre Gujarat University

New Pedagogy in Commerce and Management Development an e-content in 4Quadrant Letter no HRDCGU/RCCom Dr. Mehal Pandya

Module Name: આપણા મુદ્દા આપણી વાત

Sponsered: DD ગિરનાર, દૂરદર્શન

સ્ત્રી-પુરુષ સમાનતા અને સમાજ Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Culture Cafe

Sponsered: DD ગિરનાર, દૂરદર્શન

ગણપતિ બાપ્પા મોરિયા Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: ચિત્રલેખા

Sponsered: E- magazine-ચિત્રલેખા

Opinion: જાતિ આધારિત જનગણના થવી જોઈએ? Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: ચિત્રલેખા

Sponsered: E- magazine-ચિત્રલેખા

ઓ વુમનિયા Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Mendelian Genetics: Mono & Dihybrid Ratio Part 3

Sponsered: ommissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Mendelian Genetics: Mono & Dihybrid Ratio Part 2

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Mendelian Genetics: Mono & Dihybrid Ratio Part 1

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Students Review

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Types of Leaves & Phyllotaxy Part 3

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Types of Leaves & Phyllotaxy Part 2

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Types of Leaves & Phyllotaxy Part 1

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Types of Embryosac Part 2

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Types of Embryosac Part 1

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Sanskritisation

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Cell Cycle and Cell Division Part 3

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Cell Cycle and Cell Division Part 2

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Interview Techniques

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Cell Cycle and Cell Division Part 1

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Geographical Concepts _PART 2

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Geography Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Geographical Concepts _PART 1

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Geography Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Labour Relation

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Data Analysis

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Data Analysis Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Race, Tribe And Ethnicity

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: State and market

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Digital Economy and E-commerce

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Mitochondria, Chloroplast and Lysozome Part 4

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Models of Economic Development

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Mitochondria, Chloroplast and Lysozome Part 3

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Mitochondria, Chloroplast and Lysozome Part 2

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Mitochondria, Chloroplast and Lysozome Part 1

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Research Design In Social Science

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: PanchayatiRaj

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Exam Related Information 2 Part 4

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Exam Related Information 2 Part 3

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Social Status and Role _PART 2

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Exam Related Information 2 Part 2

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Exam Related Information 2 Part 1

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Social Status and Role _PART 1

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Sociologist Bronisław Malinowski

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Plant Community-Analytical & Synthetic Characters Part 4

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Plant Community-Analytical & Synthetic Characters Part 3

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Sociologist Clifford Geertz _PART 3

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Plant Community-Analytical & Synthetic Characters Part 2

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Sociologist Claude Lévi-Strauss

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Plant Community-Analytical & Synthetic Characters Part 1

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Sociologist Harold Garfinkle

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Exam Related Information Part 3

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Exam Related Information Part 2

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Exam Related Information Part 1

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Sociologist G.H. Mead

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Hydrophytes & Xerophytes Part 3

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Hydrophytes & Xerophytes Part 2

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Sociologist Robert K. Merton_ PART 2

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Hydrophytes & Xerophytes Part 1

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Respiration 3

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Sociologist Clifford Geertz () PART 2

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Respiration 2

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Respiration 1

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Mutation Part 3

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Sociologist Clifford Geertz (By

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Mutation Part 2

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Sociologist Anthony Giddens - PART II

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Sociologist Karl Mannheim

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Mutations Part 1

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Sociologist Alfred Schütz

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Photosynthesis 4

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Photosynthesis 3

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Photosynthesis 2

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Photosynthesis 1

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Types of Leaves & Phyllotaxy

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Types of Embryosac

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Cell Cycle and Cell Devision

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Mitochondria, Chloroplast and Lysozome

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: DNA: Composition & Structure

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Hydrophytes and Xerphytes

Sponsered: Commissioner of Higher Education, State of Gujarat, India

Sandhan (All Gujarat Integrated Classroom)) Botany UG Prof. (Dr.) Nainesh Modi

Module Name: Rural Community

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Sociologist Max Weber

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Sociologist Robert K. Merton - Part 1

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Sociologist Erving Goffman

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Sociologist Anthony Giddens PART I

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Sociologist Emil Darkheim _PART 2

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Sociologist Emil Darkheim _PART 1

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Sociologist Michel Foucault

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Celebration Of International Women's Day

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Celebration Of International Women's Day Talks With Ketaki Jani: Alopecia Awareness Activist Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Obc Transitions In Saurashtra

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Obc Transitions In Saurashtra : Studies Of Dr.H.S. Zala(Obc સમુદાયના સ્થિત્યાંતરો) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Industry And Society Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

સમાજ વિકાસ અને મહિલા અનામત નીતિ( સૌરાષ્ટ્રના સંદર્ભમાં ) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Equity And Inclusion, NEP_2020

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Equity And Inclusion,_NEP_2020 Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

વર્તમાન સમયમાં ડફેર સમુદાયનુંમાયોજનઃ પ્રશ્નો અને પડકારોડૉ Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Subject Matter And Branches Of Sociology

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Subject Matter And Branches Of Sociology _B.A_1 Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Introduction To Sociology

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Introduction To Sociology _B.A_1 Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Current Scenario Of Changes In Tribal Women-A Sociological study. Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Social Stratification And Social Mobility

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Social Stratification And Social Mobility_B.A_1 Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Social Status And Role, Social Norms

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Social Status And Role, Social Norms_B.A_SEM_1 Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

સુથાર જ્ઞાતિનો સમાજશાસ્ત્રીય અભ્યાસ Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

'ગુજરાતમાં મહિલા પોલીસ’એક સમાજશાસ્ત્રીય અભ્યાસ Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Basic Concepts Of Sociology

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Basic Concepts Of Sociology_B.A_SEM_1 Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

ઉત્તર ગુજરાતમાં સ્વ-સહાય જૂથ પ્રવૃતિ અને મહિલા સશક્તિકરણમહેસાણા તાલુકાના સંદર્ભમાં) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

ઇલેક્ટ્રોનિક મિડિયાની ઉચ્ચશિક્ષણ લેતા વિદ્યાર્થીઓ પર અસર(આણંદ જિલ્લાના સંદર્ભમાં) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Constitution

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Constitution And Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar - 2 Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Constitution

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Constitution And Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Position,Conditions And Impact Of The Tribal Elite Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

યુવાનોઉપરડાયસ્પોરાનીઅસર(ચરોતરવિસ્તારનાસંદર્ભમાં) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani


Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Ahir's Of Saurashtra Cultural Life And Change" Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Status Of Migrant Industrial Workers In South Gujarat "(With Reference To Vapi GIDC) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

'Impact Of Television On Educated Youth Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Family Life In Lower Castes Of Rural Community: Continuity And Change Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

A Comparative Study: Empowerment In Gujarati & Non Gujarati Women Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Rehabilitation And Resettlement In Saradarsarovar Project Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Status Of Women Working In Salt Industry ( Eminent Speaker : Dr.Ranjangohil ) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

A Sociological Study Of Human Rights Of Women Sarpanch ( Eminent Speaker: Dr.Kaminidashora ) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Social Status Of Women In Leuvapatidar Caste Of Saurashtra ( In Reference To Ahmedabad City ) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

A Sociological Study Of Food Industry Workers Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Water Crisis : Status Of Womensome Research Works Experiences Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Society Development And Reservation Policy Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Sociological Study Of Women Sarpanchs And Members Working IN Panchayat Of Tribal Areas Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Research Proposal

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Research Proposal : 'Problems And Perfections' Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Research Proposal

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

How To Prepare Research Proposal Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Rural Communities Of Barada Sanctuary: Sociological Study Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Viramgam: A Sociological Study Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

The Situation Of Oldaged People In The Family -A Sociological Studye Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Problems And Challenges Of Non-Resident Gujaratis-A Sociological Study Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

The Impacts Of Mass-Media On Youth - A Sociological Study Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

A Sociological Study Of Industrial Workers Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Mahatma Gandhi

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Mahatma Gandhi: A Journalist - Part-2 Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Mahatma Gandhi

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Mahatma Gandhi: A Journalist - Part-1 Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Kinship Relations in The Kotavaliya Tribes Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Siddi Tribe -A Sociological Study Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Narration Of Social Issues Related To Women's In The Gujarati Dailies( Special Reference To Human Tr Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 'Ph.D.: Reaserch and Experience'

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Narration Of Social Issues Related To Women's In The Gujarati Dailies( Special Reference To Human Tr Rajendra Jani

Module Name: ૨૦૨૦ શ્રુતિ: ગાંધી સ્મૃતિ' વ્યાખ્યાન શ્રેણી

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

khadi And Gandhi Rajendra Jani

Module Name: ૨૦૨૦ શ્રુતિ: ગાંધી સ્મૃતિ' વ્યાખ્યાન શ્રેણી

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Sahchary: Ba Ane Bapunu ('સહચર્ય: બા અને બાપુનું' ) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: ૨૦૨૦ શ્રુતિ: ગાંધી સ્મૃતિ' વ્યાખ્યાન શ્રેણી

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Socialisation Of Gandhi Rajendra Jani

Module Name: ૨૦૨૦ શ્રુતિ: ગાંધી સ્મૃતિ' વ્યાખ્યાન શ્રેણી

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Gandhi : Gender Justice Rajendra Jani

Module Name: ૨૦૨૦ શ્રુતિ: ગાંધી સ્મૃતિ' વ્યાખ્યાન શ્રેણી

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Gandhiji's Letter Literature ( ગાંધીના પત્ર પુષ્પો ) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: ૨૦૨૦ શ્રુતિ: ગાંધી સ્મૃતિ' વ્યાખ્યાન શ્રેણી

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Gandhi: A Social Scientist ( ગાંધી : એક સમજ વિજ્ઞાની ) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: ૨૦૨૦ શ્રુતિ: ગાંધી સ્મૃતિ' વ્યાખ્યાન શ્રેણી

Sponsered: Dr. Rajendra Jani

Youth And Gandhi Speaker Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Case Study

Sponsered: Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat, Department of Education Government of Gujarat

Online Research Methodology Workshop Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Tools and Techniques of Data Collection in Sociology

Sponsered: Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat, Department of Education Government of Gujarat

Online Research Methodology Workshop Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


Position And Problems Of Women Corporator In Urban Local Bodies With Special Reference To Gujarat Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


A Sociological Study Of Ayurvedic Doctors Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


Gender And Youth A Sociological Study(Special Reference To Ahmedabad) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


Social Structure And Social Change In Rathod Rajputcaste Of Saurashtra Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


Emergence, Structure And Function Of Old Age Homes Of Gujarat Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


A Sociological Study Of Women Executives Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


Impact Of Toatal Sanitation Campaign On Rural People Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


The Transformation In Saurashtra About Agriculture Land Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


Health Issues Of Urban Slums In Ahmedabad City Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


Social And Cultural Change In The Tribes Due To Christianization Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


Right To Free And Compulsory Education For Children -2009 An Impact To The Society Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


A Study On Aspects Of Social Life In The Nagher Area. Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


Sociological Study Of Professional Patidar Women (In Context Of Ahmedabad City) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


Social Change In Valand Caste-A Sociological Study. Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


"Swaminarayan Sampraday And Backward Castes" Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


A Sociological Study Of Working Women In Nursing Occupation (Ref. To Vadodara City) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


A Century Of Women's Education In Ahmedabad City Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


'H.I.V. Positive People : Social Problems And Solution' Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


ગુજરાતી નારીપ્રધાન નવલકથામાં સ્ત્રીનું સ્થાન (વર્ષ ૧૯૫૧ થી ૨૦૦૦ના સંદર્ભમાં) Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Shruti : 20twenty Lecture Series 3 'Ph.D.: Reaserch And Experience'


ગુજરાતમાં જ્ઞાતિ, શિક્ષણ અને વ્યવસાય’ Rajendra Jani



વ્યાધિક્ષમત્વમાં મનની ભૂમિકા - એક પ્રાચ્ય દૃષ્ટિકોણ Rajendra Jani



“નેટ/જીસેટ/ પીએચ.ડી. એન્ટ્રન્સ ટેસ્ટ અંગે માર્ગદર્શન”- 2 Rajendra Jani



“નેટ/જીસેટ/ પીએચ.ડી. એન્ટ્રન્સ ટેસ્ટ અંગે માર્ગદર્શન”-1 Rajendra Jani



“ભારતીય શિક્ષણ અને સમાજ” Rajendra Jani



“સભા સંચાલન કળા” Rajendra Jani



“‘બહુસંસ્કૃતિવાદ” Rajendra Jani



સમાજ વિશે પાયાની સમજ” Rajendra Jani

Module Name: World Environment Day


World Environment Day Celebration Webinar Certificate Form Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 7days webinar Lecture series. Shruti 2020


Meaningful Music Therapy Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 7days webinar Lecture series. Shruti 2020


Science Fiction : Nightfall And "Lucky" Earth. Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 7days webinar Lecture series. Shruti 2020


Social Geography In Geographers View Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 7days webinar Lecture series. Shruti 2020


Aavo Janiye Aapni Bhasha. Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 7days webinar Lecture series. Shruti 2020


Modernity, Post Modernity And Society Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 7days webinar Lecture series. Shruti 2020


Special Guidance For Competitive Examinations Rajendra Jani

Module Name: 7days webinar Lecture series. Shruti 2020


Environment and society Rajendra Jani

Module Name: Indian Aesthetics

Sponsered: BAOU

Indian Aesthetics Prof. Darshna Bhatt

Module Name: Internet of things

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Wireless Application Protocol

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Wireless sensor networks

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Satellite systems-II

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Satellite systems-I

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Routing protocols in manets

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: MANETS

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: BLuetooth

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: IEEE 802.11 security mechanisms

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Layers of IEEE 802.11

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: WLAN:IEEE802.11

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: GPRS

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: call routing in gsm network

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: GSM handovers

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: GSM security

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: GSM-Part1

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Telecommunications : Standards and generations

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Variants of TCP for wireless networks

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: M-TCP

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Snooping TCP

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Indirect TCP

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: DHCP and cellular IP

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Multiple Access Techniques

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Medium Access Control with collision Avoidance

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Spread Spectrum Technologies:DSSS

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Spread Spectrum Technologies:FHSS

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Cellular Systems:Part2

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Cellular Systems:Part1

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Antennas

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Signal Propogation effects

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Electro magnetic waves

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Wireless Communication

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Mobile Computing:Introduction

Sponsered: MHRD

Mobile Computing:Introduction Dr. Suchit Purohit

Module Name: Open Source Databases-II

Sponsered: UGC

Open Source Software Dr. Bhumika Shah

Module Name: Open Source Databases-I

Sponsered: UGC

Open Source Software Dr. Bhumika Shah

Module Name: Email and Frameworks in PHP

Sponsered: UGC

Web Application Development - II Dr. Bhumika Shah

Module Name: Integrate PHP with MySQL

Sponsered: UGC

Web Application Development - II Dr. Bhumika Shah

Module Name: Triggers2

Sponsered: UGC

Web Application Development - II Dr. Bhumika Shah

Module Name: Triggers1

Sponsered: UGC

Web Application Development - II Dr. Bhumika Shah

Module Name: Introduction to Stored Procedures and Functions in MySQL

Sponsered: UGC

Web Application Development - II Dr. Bhumika Shah

Module Name: R Programming - 2

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: R Programming - 1

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: GNUPlot

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Open Source Security Tools

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Wireshark Tool

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Basic System Administration

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: AWK Programming Language

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Open Journal System

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Wiki Software

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Learning Management System

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Content Management System

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: LAMP Stack

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Document Preparation using Latex - 2

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Document Preparation using Latex - 1

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Open Source Office Suite

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: GIT - Open Source Software for Version Control

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Managing Software in GNU/Linux

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Bash Shell Scripting – III

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Bash Shell Scripting – II

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Bash Shell Scripting – I

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Processes in GNU/Linux

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Manipulating Text in GNU/Linux

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: User Environment & Local Computer security in GNU/Linux

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Text Editing in GNU/Linux

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: GNU/Linux More File Operations & File Permissions

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: GNU/Linux Basic File Operations

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Overview of GNU/Linux File System

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Graphical Interface in GNU/Linux and Basic System Configurations

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: GNU/Linux Structure & Installation

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Overview of GNU/Linux

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Open Source Licenses

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Software Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Introduction to Open Source, FSF, History and Philosophy

Sponsered: MHRD NMEICT

Open Source Sofrware Dr. Hardik Joshi

Module Name: Academic Writing

Sponsered: UGC-HRDC, Gujarat University

Refresher Course in Life Science Prof. Jagdishkumar Joshi

Module Name: Environment Science

Sponsered: Its Tomorrow News

Earth Science Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Course on Consumer Behavior (Principal Investigator)

Sponsered: Course on Advertising and Branding (Principal Investigator)

Course on Legal Aspects of Business (Principal Investigator) Prof. (Dr.) Mamta Brahmbhatt

Module Name: Climate Change: In search of truth for the freezing world

Sponsered: It's Tommorow News

Climate Change Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: International Webinar: It's Tomorrow- Frozen or Molten Earth?

Sponsered: Its Tommorow's News

Climate Change Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: nternational Webinar On Zero Emissions for A Brighter Tomorrow:

Sponsered: Its Tommorow's News

Climate Change Prof. Bharat Maitreya


Sponsered: Its Tommorow's News

Climate Change Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Webinar on "How can we preserve the Earth's Climate"

Sponsered: Its Tommorow's News

Climate Change Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Webinar: Solar Energy Ideas, Innovation, and Economy

Sponsered: t's Tomorrow News

Climate Change Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Celebrating 50th Anniversary of World Environment Day

Sponsered: It's Tomorrow News

Environment Science Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: A Scientific Episode on Earth Day 2022

Sponsered: || It’s Tomorrow News

Climate Change Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Exclusive Interview on World Earth Day 2023

Sponsered: It's Tomorrow News

Environment Science Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Net Gset Preperation Programme SGGU

Sponsered: SGGU-Life Science

Botany-Secondary metabolites Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Webinar Series "Leading Future Technology - 50"

Sponsered: KCG Government of Gujarat

BOTANY - Phytochemical and Pharmacological Research on Plant Species A Traditional Knowledge and S Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Online Interactive Programme By Commissioner of Higher Education Education Department,Gujarat

Sponsered: SANDHAN - AGIC

Botany / Life cycle of Adiantum Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Online Interactive Programme By Commissioner of Higher Education Education Department,Gujarat

Sponsered: SANDHAN - AGIC

BOTANY / PTERIDOPHYTES( Isoetes ) Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Online Interactive Programme By Commissioner of Higher Education Education Department,Gujarat



Module Name: Online Interactive Programme By Commissioner of Higher Education Education Department,Gujarat

Sponsered: SANDHAN _ AGIC

Botany / Bracts and Inflorences Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Online Interactive Programme By Commissioner of Higher Education Education Department,Gujarat

Sponsered: SANDHAN - AGIC

Botany / Biodiversity Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Online Interactive Programme By Commissioner of Higher Education Education Department,Gujarat

Sponsered: SANDHAN - AGIC

Botany ? Herbarium Technique and e Herbaria Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Online Interactive Programme By Commissioner of Higher Education Education Department,Gujarat

Sponsered: SANDHAN - AGIC

BOTANY / Apocynaceae Asclepiadaceae Family Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Online Interactive Programme By Commissioner of Higher Education Education Department,Gujarat

Sponsered: SANDHAN - AGIC

Botany / Plant Tissue Culture Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Online Interactive Programme By Commissioner of Higher Education Education Department,Gujarat

Sponsered: SANDHAN -AGIC

Botany / Genetic Engineering Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Online Interactive Programme By Commissioner of Higher Education Education Department,Gujarat

Sponsered: SANDHAN - AGIC

Botany/Botanical Survey of India Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Online Interactive Programme By Commissioner of Higher Education Education Department,Gujarat

Sponsered: SANDHAN - AGIC

BOTANY ? Plant community Synthetic and Analytical Characters Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Online Interactive Programme By Commissioner of Higher Education Education Department,Gujarat

Sponsered: SANDHAN - AGIC

BOTANY / MARINE ALGAE Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: Online Interactive Programme By Commissioner of Higher Education Education Department,Gujarat


Botany/Bioinformatics Prof. Bharat Maitreya

Module Name: The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Conceptual Analysis

Sponsered: New LJ Commerce College

Business Law Dr. Aarti Vyas

Module Name: The Indian Contract Act, 1872 - Introduction

Sponsered: New LJ Commerce College

Business Law Dr. Aarti Vyas

Module Name: GANDHI & YOUTH



Module Name: PRARAMBH NET/GSET માર્ગદર્શન શ્રેણી

Sponsered: Dr. Sangita Patel

Sociology Dr. Sangita Patel

Module Name: Cookie and Session


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: PHP with MySQL


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: SQL in MySQL – III


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: SQL in MySQL - II


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: SQL in MySQL – I


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: Introduction to MySQL


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: Introduction to RDBMS


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: Exception Handling


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: File and Directory Handling - II


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: File and Directory Handling - I


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: Regular Expression in PHP


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: Numbers and Dates with PHP


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: String with PHP


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: OOP in PHP – IV


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: OOP in PHP – III


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: OOP in PHP – II


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: OOP in PHP - I


P09. - Web Application Development - II Prof. Hiren Joshi

Module Name: Array in PHP – II


P09. - Web Application Development - II