Research and Inovation

Research & Innovation Policy Gujarat University

This policy establishes the ecosystem for research and innovation within schools, departments, affiliated colleges; teachers, research scholars and students to carry out their research.

Research includes work of direct relevance to the specific needs of communities, government, industry and commerce. In some disciplines, Research may be embodied in the form of artistic works, performances or designs that lead to new or substantially improved insights. Research may include : contributions to the intellectual underpinning of subjects and disciplines the use of existing knowledge in experimental development to produce new or substantially improved, materials, devices, products, communications or process the synthesis and analysis of previous Research to the extent that it is new and creative Contribute to the Research environment and culture of Gujarat University through activities such as mentoring, engagement in new Research initiatives and strengthening the Research infrastructure: and

  • Participate in initiatives designed to secure financial support for Research activities from external sources (including for example, government funding, industry academia partnership and contracts, philanthropic gifts, Research translation and commercialisation opportunities).
  • The requirement to undertake Research is a career expectation and will be balance with the other obligations of academic staff including teaching and administrative responsibilities.
  • Nothing in this policy is to be construe so as to prevent Heads of School from allocating teaching and other responsibilities in the light of the Research record of academic staff.
  • Statutory and Ethics obligations (a) Academic staff and students are required to carry out their Research in compliance with all the University’s obligations under legislation and any ethical and contractual obligations
  • Research project that involve human or animal subjects, including those undertaken as part of a teaching programme, must be approved in advance (Human Ethics Policy and the Animal Ethics Policy laid by Central Government of India must be followed).
  • All Academic staff, Students and visitors of the University are required to make them aware and follow the contents of the University from the University’s website.

Resources in Support of Research (a) University Research Fund (URF)

  • The general principle governing the allocation of all Research funding in the University is that it is an investment intended to maximise the range of outcomes that the University expects to result from staff and students Research. The Allocations and Investment Subcommittee of the URF allocates grants from this fund.
  • All applications for any external Research funding are to be submitted through the IQAC-GU
  • University research fund will also be available to schools and departments for organizing seminar & conference for which proposals must be submitted to IQCA for the approval.
  • Director of School should ensure that newly appointed staff are familiar with Research evaluations, Research training and funding opportunities and the importance of publishing in suitable venues, both within the university and external.
  • Director of schools should ensure that newly admitted students are familiar with GUSEC (Gujarat University Start-up and Entrepreneurship Council, The Gujarat University Park for Industrial Extension and Research (PIER) and should also ensure about the privileges are given to them related to IPR and Research.
  • Academic staff is expected to comply with the management of External Research, Consultancy and Related Contract Policy in the costing and pricing of external research a consultancy. They may also do research or consultancy under the Entitlement to Undertake Private Work Policy and are required to report such activity to IQAC.
  • Academic Staff are eligible to apply for leave in support of their Research including research and study Leave, Overseas Conference Leave, Conference Leave and Exchange Leave. Faculty committees recommend the award of such academic leave to IQAC for approval.
  • A range of scholarships are available centrally to students who are doing Ph.D. from the University.
  • Research Planning Each Faculty, and its constituent academic units, is required to develop and implement its own Research plan that is consistent with and delivers to the University Research Strategy and the University Strategic Plan.
  • The University established Research Park to raise the Research profile of the University focus strengths in areas where there is a concentration of Research excellence and to maximise external Research funding. Research centres help position the University’s areas of Research excellence and build the University’s Research reputation.
  • Research agenda of the schools and departments should be Consistent with the strategic plan of the University.
  • Similarly, to Research Centres and institutes, a suite of multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary & transdisciplinary themes defines the academic emphasis of the University. They promote an outlook that beyond disciplinary, school, faculty and other traditional boundaries, and frame and develop Gujarat University’s distinctive teaching, Research and public engagement endeavours.

Research Recognition Council (RRC)

To cater the contemporary and recent advances in research and development, a committee was formulated by Hon. Vice Chancellor, Gujarat University to review the rules, Regulations and Ordinances for prevailing M.Phil. and Ph.D. programme in the Gujarat University, After deliberate discussion and consultation with the stake holders, the committee proposes Research Recognition Council (RRC) (instead of BUTR- Board of University for Teaching and Research was functioning earlier for both Teaching and research purpose, However to meet the current demand and expectation the council is separated from BUTR ) to address and recognize regular as well as multi-disciplinary / inter- disciplinary research capacity and content for all the faculties at Gujarat University. This council shall comprise of Deans of faculty, senior faculty members, external experts and permanent invitees. The Vice Chancellor, Gujarat University shall be the chairperson of the said council. The committee proposes followings as members for Research Recognition Council (RRC), Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

1. Deans of all the faculty at Gujarat University

2. Senior Faculties


Dr. Mahesh B. Patel

Dr. Pranay Shah


Dr. Dolly Patel

Dr. Nita Bhavsar (GDC)


Dr. Amrut Bharvad


Dr. J.U Nanavati

Prof. S P Rathod

Dr. Rushikesh Mehta


Dr. Nutan Kotak

Dr. Dilip Charan


Dr. Bharti Pathak

Dr. Prateek Kanchan


Dr. Rakesh Rawal

Dr. Minu Saraf

External Experts

Director General, IITRAM

Director, IIT Gandinagar

Director, GNLU

Director, NIOH, Ahmedabad

Permanent Invitees

Dr. Bhaskar Bhagat

Dr. Nita Shah

Dr. Darshana Bhatt

The said RRC shall work as per requirement of the inter/multi-disciplinary research. There shall be a committee of five members from the above council members

  1. Dean of the faculty
  2. Two members from concern senior faculty,
  3. One concern external expert.
  4. Hon. Vice-Chancellor as Chairperson of the committee) related to the subject / discipline to address such applications. At least three members including one external expert shall constitute the quorum. The appointment of the committee shall be done by Hon. Vice Chancellor, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad.

Plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty Policy

Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty Policy of Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

This ordinance shall become supplementary ordinances and are to be incorporated as M.Phil. / Ph.D. ordinance which come in to force from the year 2009 for the plagiarism and Academic dishonesty policy of the Gujarat University. This ordinance shall become the integral part of the already published ordinance / regulations for M.Phil. / Ph.D. by Gujarat University after adoption of UGC regulations for M.Phil. / Ph.D. in the year 2009 and shall come in to force the date of resolution passed by the Academic Council and Executive Council of Gujarat University, Ahmedabad i. e. 17.06.2015.

O = Ordinance

O. M.Phil. - 18 and O. Ph.D. - 31

Morality, honesty and ethical practices are three extremely pillars for any university system involved in academic activities like teaching, learning and research. The “academicians and associates” involved in the university system called as university community i.e. students / teachers / researchers / scholars / associates / collaborators / managers / etc or any staff members working in the Gujarat University, Ahmedabad who knowingly use, publish, present or perform other’s work as their own will be considered as Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty. It will defiantly disturb the healthy academic atmosphere and harm the research temperament in the university as well as the individuals involved. It is therefore important for Gujarat University to have in place a policy on plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty to avoid such acts and to maintain the academic credibility.

O. M.Phil. - 18.1 and O. Ph.D. - 31.1

Definition / Meaning:
Plagiarism is defined as presenting / producing other’s intellectual work as one’s own work. This presentation / reproduction includes coping of ideas, processes, words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, longer extracts, infringement of copyright, piracy, theft, stealing, poaching, appropriation, informal cribbing from published or unpublished work including from the internet or e-resources that exceeds the boundaries of the legitimate cooperation / permission without acknowledgement of the reference source. Plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty is defined as Intentional Plagiarism / Dishonest Plagiarism and Non-intentional Plagiarism / Negligent Plagiarism.

O. M.Phil. - 18.2 and O. Ph.D. - 31.2

Negligent / Non-intentional Plagiarism:
Without appropriate acknowledgment of the reference source, if somebody innocently or carelessly presents other’s work as his / her own work is called negligent plagiarism. This show inadequate knowledge and lack of competency in a particular subject. These careless and negligent efforts results into non-compliance of standard clarification / verification procedures established by the university, where the degree / level of copying is not substantial.

O. M.Phil. - 18.3 and O. Ph.D. - 31.3

Dishonest / intentional Plagiarism:
A deliberate attempt of presenting other’s work as his / her own work without appropriate acknowledgement of the reference source is called dishonest plagiarism. This shows knowingly or intentionally a person invoice in substantial appropriation or copying of material of the other’s work without any permission of the reference source, where the degree / level of copying is substantial.

O. M.Phil. - 18.4 and O. Ph.D. - 31.4

Detection of Plagiarism / Academic dishonesty:
A committee for each subject comprising of Dean of Concern Faculty, Head of the university department, two faculty members who are recognized guide from the respective university department including one professor and one outside technical expert from Ahmedabad City nominated by Hon. Vice Chancellor, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, will be responsible to distinguish original work from the plagiarized work and the level / degree of plagiarism. Any three members except guiding teacher will constitute the quorum. This committee will detect the plagiarism on receiving the written complain only by the original reference source with required proof / evidence as per prevailing norms by Gujarat University / UGC / National Knowledge Commission or equivalent agency. The final decision on the plagiarism wills the help of variety of tools like personal verification / use of software / e-resources etc. The Gujarat University will use the best available tools / software to detect plagiarism / Academic dishonesty.

O. M.Phil. - 18.5 and O. Ph.D. - 31.5

Procedural fairness and policy compliance to address alleged plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty:
The Gujarat University, Ahmedabad is committed to deal with alleged plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty by any section of the University community in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness introduced with this document including the right to:

  • Concerned persons must be informed of the allegations against them with sufficient details which enables them to understand the precise nature of allegations
  • Reasonable time of fifteen to twenty working days should be given to respond to the allegations
  • Total disputed matter should be resolved within one months of the detection of plagiarism
  • Impartial investigation with absence of any bias in the process
O. M.Phil. - 19 and O. Ph.D. - 32

Gujarat University will ensure to educate its students, teaching community and other staff members about what constitutes plagiarism, its detection and the course of action. It is essential for all the section of the university community including researches / workers / students / staff working with the Gujarat University system to submit a statement with signature and declaration certificate that they are aware of the plagiarism policy of the Gujarat University, Ahmedabad where ever applicable and no part of their presentation / research / work / act / performance be it assignment, term paper, project report, dissertation, thesis, short communications etc. is not copied in any form of print or electronic source including internet and it is one’s original efforts and creation. Gujarat University, Ahmedabad will create a record in the university system that indicates that one has committed an act of plagiarism/academic dishonesty.

O. M.Phil. - 19.1 and O. Ph.D. - 32.1

Assessment and action against alleged Plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty:
If the committee proves the alleged plagiarism, a detailed report with the proof will be discussed and submitted to the Hon. Vice Chancellor, who will confirm the degree / level of plagiarism along with the committee members first, if it is required then, it will be further submitted to The Academic Council of the Gujarat University for confirmation and then the case would be referred to The Executive Council of the Gujarat University which is empowered to take disciplinary actions.

O. M.Phil. - 19.2 and O. Ph.D. - 32.2

Consequences of alleged Plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty Plagiarism and academic dishonesty will have some severe penalties and repercussions. The committee may recommend any or every of the following depending on the severity of the act:

For Non - intentional Plagiarism / Negligent Plagiarism

  1. Recommendation for counselling or remediation
  2. Fine or warning
  3. Redoing / Resubmit in fresh of the assignment / course / project / performance / action
  4. Fine or warning to Guiding Teacher

For Intentional Plagiarism / Dishonest Plagiarism

  1. Reduced grade / detaining / failing in the assignment / course / project / performance / action
  2. Dismissing / rustication of the individual from the course / university for limited period or permanent
  3. Withdrawal of the degree
  4. Temporary or permanent withdrawal of the Guide ship for teacher
O. M.Phil. - 20 and O. Ph.D. - 33

Mandatory requirement:
Gujarat University impacts regular and research degrees in various faculties in more than 100 subjects. The registered candidates are referring many source of information and preparing the relevant document in form of publications / dissertation / project / proposal / thesis / research related document (short communication, paper, review article, performance, presentation etc.) There is possibility that these candidates follow / refer / observe the same literature source as others are using, therefore it is essential to decide / address and restrict such practices. The level of tolerance and acceptability for alleged degree of plagiarism for publications / dissertation / project proposal / thesis / research related documents (short communication, paper, review article, performance, presentation etc.) before the submission of such document is as follows:

Content Tolerance Limit for Plagiarism/ Academic dishonesty up to
Introductory part 25%
Review of Literature and Citation 65%
Rationale and Justification of the Research problem 20%
Material, Methodology Protocol, Approaches etc 55%
Results, Discussion, Observations, Records etc. 17%
Conclusions, General Recommendations, Salient Features etc. 05%

If any document exceeds the above proposed limit would be considered as plagiarism / academic dishonesty and the actions will be taken as mentioned in this document as O. M.Phil. - 19.2 and O.Ph.D. - 32.2

Moreover, Students / Research Scholars (M.Phil. & Ph.D.) shall observe the following Guideline before the submission of Dissertation / Thesis:

  1. Students are required to submit at least one review article / paper (M.Phil.) and two review article / papers (Ph.D.) before the submission of Dissertation / Thesis
  2. Students are also required to screen their submission for plagiarism and a certificate is mandatory before printing the hard copy of the same.
  3. The Dissertation / Thesis should be in spiral or loose binding to be sent to the external Examiners
  4. The Printing of hard copy would be allowed only after the necessary corrections and suggestions are being incorporated in the submission.
  5. E-resources may be utilized by the University and examiners for communication (via e- mail / soft copy / pen drive) for examination, evaluation and report submission.

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